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#2517 一觸即發 Hair Trigger
#2516 團團轉 Round and Round
#2515 幽默狗 Humorous Dog
#2514 回報 Retaliation
#2513 收效不同 Results May Vary
#2512 得不償失 Not Worth It
#2511 大煞風景 Major Spoiler
#2510 差勁 Disappointing
#2509 地球怪獸 Monster from Earth
#2508 過重 Overweight
#2507 花開花落 Flowers Bloom, Flowers Wilt
#2506 養虎為患 Tiger Raising Troubles
#2505 本地胃口 Local Appetite
#2504 水向低流 Water Flows Down
#2503 洗澡 Taking a Bath
#2502 弱肉強食 Survival of the Fittest
#2501 樂極生悲 Premature Celebration
#2500 打鞦韆 Playing on a Swing
#2499 肥皂戰 Soap Battle
#2498 弄假成真 Fantasy Becomes Reality
#2497 貴人事忙 Busy person of Importance
#2496 特效生髮水 Especially Effective Hair Solution
#2495 爆炸頭 Exploding Hair
#2494 大失威風 Remarkable Failure