OMQ Today - It's all in the family
Joseph Wong, the real 王澤

While Alfonso Wong was the creative and witty mastermind behind the classic OMQ strips, his pen-name 王澤 (Wang Ze/Wong Chak) was actually the birthname of his eldest son Joseph Wong.
Joseph Wong has been a talented and prolific artist, as well as a professor of architecture. Since 1995, Mr. Joseph Wong has assisted his father by establishing OMQ ZMedia, a licensing company for OMQ, based in Taipei, Taiwan. OMQ Zmedia works to promote Old Master Q, its image, branding and copyright projects. This takes the funny "Old Master Q" comic into a new century with new dimensions, bringing happiness to more old, middle-aged, teenage, young Chinese and foreign readers.
Joseph retired from academics in 2016, but he has become even busier with perfecting the OMQ design by creating his own Old Master Q artworks, with gallery installations across Asia celebrating OMQ.

Peter Wang

Peter Wang is the 2nd son of Alfonso Wong, and like his father and brother, has also been prolific production artist in animation and comics throughout his life. He has assisted OMQ ZMedia with new Old Master Q creations and artwork for over a decade.

OMQ Z Media and more
OMQ Z Media published its final and 300th OMQ comic book early 2017.
But that's not the end of OMQ comics! They will continue to produce new material for licensing, marketing, and exhibition purposes. Please visit OMQ ZMedia Ltd for more information on OMQ products.
Also be on look out for spectacular OMQ exhibitions from Joseph Wong, as well as classic comic strip postings and product updates from this website.