Old Master Q's Holiday Gift Guide
December 24, 2017, by Ginger Wong
This holiday season, let's take a look at the type of gifts you'd expect to receive if you lived in Old Master Q's world.
A. Gifts to Avoid
1) The classic Jack-in-the-Box gift
Whether you're on his naughty list or not, this is one of OMQ's favorite gifts to give away, especially to unsuspecting ladies.

#2187 醉翁之意 Pointless Intentions
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/2187/
Love this strip? Get a poster of this classic comic strip from the OMQshop!
2) Gifts for your Ex
On the same note, OMQ can tell from a mile away which girl is just dating him for his generous gifts. They get a punch in the face!

#0052 先見之明 Foresight
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/52/
… or just plain old garbage!

#2027 先見之明 Foresight
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/2027/
3) Gifts from Mr. Chao
Avoid these at all costs! Never trust anything you receive from Mr. Chao! ..or just be very prepared for the consequences.

Comic Strip #1688
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/1688/
4) The gift that keeps on giving
That fruitcake you gave away (or whatever it is), may go around the block and eventually make its way back to you!

Comic Strip #0614
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/614
5) Random gifts from Santa
If Santa just stops by your house and gives you a random gift, they could be just some self-promotional marketing material that he's trying to pawn off of you. Set low expectations.

6) Random Found Gifts
There's a reason why these presents have been abandoned in the middle of the street. Could turn out to be a box of shi*t!

7) Stocking Stuffers
Even Santa knows that stockings are for feet!

Comic Strip #722
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/722/
B. Actual Thoughtful Gifts
Not all gifts in the OMQ-verse are terrible. Here are some great examples of kindness and generousity.
1) Something different for a change
Tired of all the expensive options out there? Consider a puppy who needs some love 😊

#2119 別出心裁 A Different Approach
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/2119/
2) Generous donations from everyone
Including pet chickens. 🙂

#2191 – 為善最樂 Good Deeds Bring Joy
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/2191/
Love this comic strip? Get a poster of this comic strip!
3) Just Santa and all of his Presents
What's better than a gift from Santa Claus? What about Santa and all of his presents! Old Master Q can hook you up.

Comic Strip #0725
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/725/
4) Self-comfort
You don't need anything from anyone! Craft your own gift of love.

#2127 自我安慰 Self Comforting
Source: https://www.oldmasterq.com/comics/2127/
Love this comic strip? Get a poster of this comic strip!
If you're looking for actual Old Master Q gifts, shop at the OMQshop, where I can assure you that our goods won't punch you in the face!