Comics about or with aliens
#1245 古太空站 Ancient Space Station
#1251 玉面飛狐 Pretty Flying Fox
#1425 嫦娥下凡,噴射生髮水 Visit of the Moon Fairy
#1539 打獵奇遇 Not as Expected
#1670 太空怪獸 Space Alien
#1882 開玩笑 Welcome to Earth
#19 太空怪獸 Space Monster
#1940 弄假成真 False Becomes Real
#1970 遠走高飛 Run Far, Fly Away
#2207 小巫見大巫 Little Saucer Meets Big Saucer
#2293 灌水 Irrigation
#23 UFO
#2476 誰是誰非 Who's the Right One?
#2509 地球怪獸 Monster from Earth
#32 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#380 縮水 Shrinking
#426 天降橫財 Money from Heaven
#466 飛彈 Missile
#472 虛驚一場 False Alarm
#521 寄生蟲 Loss of Interest
#58 大驚小怪 Big Deal Out of Nothing
#69 新釣魚法 New Way to Fish
#713 UFO UFO
#785 一飛衝天 Fly Up to The Sky