Comics about or with angry
#1034 瘋狗 Crazy Dog
#119 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#1225 文不對題 Wrong Title
#1243 人妖 Drag Queen
#13 中風 Stroke
#1312 以釘待侯 The Nail Treatment
#1320 鬥熱 Beat the Heat
#1321 一村獨秀 An Isolated Expert
#1330 消極抵玩 A Bargain of Fun
#1408 打乒乓球 Ping Pong
#1434 原來如此 So That's Why
#1458 殺妖魔 Killing a Demon
#1462 歪曲事實 Bending the Truth
#1473 軀魔人 The Exorcist
#1478 忍無可忍 Can't Take it Anymore
#1501 忍無可忍 Unbearable
#1504 野蠻條件 Wild Requirements
#1533 怒髮衝冠 Furious
#1540 突如其來 Unexpcted
#1567 加強威力 Power Up
#1613 討厭的廣告 Annoying Advertisement
#1620 忙中有錯 When You're Busy You Make Mistakes
#169 狗展風雲 Dog Show Saga
#1704 神童 Smart Child
#1771 惡有惡報 What Goes Around Comes Around
#1793 改裝 Change of appearance
#1805 滾開.PSD Get Lost
#1807 撞警車 Hitting a Police Car
#1821 對鏡自責 Scolding at Yourself in the Mirror
#1830 無聲的抗議 Silent Protest
#1837 代用品 Substitute
#1840 各掃門前雪 Mind Your Own Door
#1849 死裡逃生 Survived
#1854 情場如戰場 Love Battle
#1859 言之過早 Premature
#1860 元寶型 Ingot Design
#1863 同等待遇 Equal Treatment
#1872 碰釘子 Hit a Snag
#1873 招女婿(上) Taking a Son-in-Law
#1874 招女婿(上) Taking a Son-in-Law
#1889 黑吃黑 Thief vs. Thief
#1896 精神不死 Spirit Lives On
#1901 發洩 Venting
#1902 神畫與神經 Myths and Madness
#1918 再來一次 One More Time
#1929 消極抵抗 Passive Resistance
#1931 罰兩代 Punishment for Two Generations
#1936 無事生非 Much Ado About Nothing
#1942 突來突去 Sudden Payback
#1943 體育精神 Sportsmanship
#1965 龍馬精神 Spirit of Dragon and Horse
#1977 拉車風雲(上) Rickshaw Adventures
#1999 大處著墨 Inking at a Larger Scale
#2 武力制人 Tough Love
#2014 驅逐出境 Deportation
#2025 忍無可忍 Intolerable
#2037 面子問題 A Question of Saving Face
#204 舌劍脣槍 Oral Weapons
#2075 移恨 Transferred Resentment
#2221 惱羞成怒 Furious Humilation
#2222 口沫橫飛 Spit Everywhere
#2238 石戰 Battle of Rocks
#228 水泥報復 Revenge with Cement
#2281 打裁判(上) Strike on the Referee
#231 中風 Stroke
#2376 泰山壓頂 Under a Rock
#238 神通廣大 Powerful Magic
#2400 太小 Too Small
#2402 意外 An Accident
#241 強過 Force Your Way Through
#2433 奇蹟 Miracle
#248 老羞成怒 Embarrassed & Angry
#250 對牛彈琴 Not Getting the Message Across
#2510 差勁 Disappointing
#265 禍從口出 Trouble from the Mouth
#270 擋正視線 Blocked Field of View
#292 賠償 Compensation
#340 腳戰 Foot Fight
#427 封口 Mouth Shut
#43 目中無人 Arrogance
#48 決鬥 Duel
#484 一亮成災 A Flash of disaster
#488 改善裝飾 Change of Looks
#556 忍無可忍 No Longer Tolerable
#559 你講你的 Say What You Want
#569 忍無可忍 No Longer Tolerable
#578 消失 Disappear
#608 恩將仇報 Help Gone Wrong
#63 隨機應變 Versatile
#773 收場 Cleaning Up
#795 好狗不擋道 Good Dogs Don't Block Traffic
#805 先怒後恐 Mad, Later Worried
#828 示威 Protest
#849 熱血男兒 Hot Blooded Man
#921 剖腹剜心 Gutting Out The Heart
#924 洩憤 Venting
#949 寫鳥 Drawing Live Birds
#980 怨天尤人 Blame the One You Hate