Comics about or with art
#1012 自畫像 Self Portrait
#1022 拆大改小 Sculpt Someone Smaller
#1051 速寫 A Sketch
#1057 自畫像 Self Portrait
#1089 討厭之舉 Annoying Gestures
#1094 日落 After Sunset
#1114 博古通今 Today's Ancient Literature
#1140 電網,自作自受 You Reap What You Sow
#1156 抽象畫像 Abstract Art
#1168 前功盡廢 Wasted Effort
#1173 改造 Editing
#1178 對畫 Drawing Each Other
#1205 幻想派 Abstract Art
#1213 不倫不類 Doesn't Look Like Anything
#1216 貪心 Greediness
#1219 耐人尋味 Strange Tales
#1225 文不對題 Wrong Title
#1231 加料照片 Add-On's
#1234 瘋狂畫家 Mad Artist
#1236 改造 Transformation
#1244 自我陶醉 Admiring Oneself
#1252 人獸有別 Species Differences
#1258 同化 Duplication
#1265 生動 Lively
#1268 報復 Revenge
#1270 再接再厲 Keep On Going
#1326 難題 A Difficult Question
#1343 耐人尋味 Strange Tale
#135 今古奇觀 Unusual Artifact
#1409 咎由自取 Got What He Deserved
#1605 新設計 (上) New Design (pt. 1)
#1606 新設計 (下) New Design (2)
#168 前吸后放 Sucking in the Front, Blowing in the Back
#1797 傷風敗俗 Degradation of Morality
#1816 讓路.PSD Make Way
#183 落葉 Falling Leaves
#1902 神畫與神經 Myths and Madness
#1928 代罪羔羊 Scapegoat
#1955 理所當然 Of Course, Without Question
#1966 錯覺 Illusion
#1989 栩栩如生 Lifelike
#1991 行行出狀元 Every Trade Has Its Master
#20 一陣風 A Gust of Wind
#2042 後來居上 The Latter the Better
#2056 變化 Transformation
#2069 非禮勿動 Unmoving Assault
#2127 自我安慰 Self Comforting
#2142 自我陶醉 Camera Shy
#2147 畫蛇點睛 Dotting the Eyes
#2153 自畫 Self Portrait
#2165 故弄玄虛 Gratuitous Mysteriousness
#2201 發音不正 Bad Pronunciation
#2205 靈感 Inspiration
#2262 偉大的愛情 The Greatest Love
#2339 看法不同 Another Perspective
#2342 紋身 Tattoo
#2419 不失本能 Instincts
#350 聯想 Different View
#59 電網,自作自受 You Reap What You Sow
#593 搶鏡頭 Stealing the Spotlight
#67 原來如此 So That's Why!
#809 時代錯誤 Wrong Time
#93 海灘攝影 Beach Photography
#949 寫鳥 Drawing Live Birds
#980 怨天尤人 Blame the One You Hate