Comics about or with at a restaurant
#100 另有用意 Alternate Uses
#1010 望梅止渴 Dreaming About Them
#1056 最後一巴 The Last Slap
#1061 另有用意 Other Uses
#1084 參考資料 Reference Books
#1110 勢不兩立 Roast Ostrich
#1116 太遠 Too Far
#1182 驚心食品 Scary Food
#1242 葡萄美酒 Mouthwatering Wine
#1247 人有錯手 Human Error
#1254 危險烹飪 Dangerous Cooking
#1272 坐吃山空 Doing Nothing but Eating Up
#1277 拔塞 Bottle Opening
#1304 偷雞 Stealing Chickens
#1319 麻木不仁 Numb Mouth
#1324 飢不擇食 Starvation
#1359 一時錯手 By Accident
#1394 賣廣告 Advertisement
#1412 醉仔之意 What Kids Want
#1442 全不認識 All Strangers
#1452 好奇心 Curiosity
#1465 意大利餅 Pizza
#1468 機械化 (上) Robotic (pt. 1)
#1469 機械化 (下) Robotic (pt. 2)
#1470 狗年三六 Year of the Dog
#1522 熱狗腸 Hotdog Sausages
#1541 交換 Exchange
#1549 制水 Water Restrictions
#1558 看箭 Watch This!
#1593 弄假成真 True Story
#1618 飛車教訓 Speeding Lesson
#1650 物歸原主 Returning to Their Owner
#167 死魚返生 Resurrected Fish
#1784 免費茶水 Free Drinks
#1789 有驚無險 False alarm
#1796 以毒攻毒 An eye for an eye
#1798 神經過敏 Overly Sensitive
#1828 惡有惡報 What Goes Around Comes Around
#1843 醉中的美人 Beer Goggles
#1856 物歸原主 Restitution
#1877 古代肉腸 Ancient Sausage
#1914 家賊難防 Difficult to Prevent Thieves
#1920 為嘴傷身 Refreshments for the Mouth
#1945 放錯方向 Wrong Direction
#1956 認輸 Acknowledging Defeat
#1990 卡位之戰(上) Seat Wars
#2036 偷天換日 Exchange
#2158 加重 Added Weight
#2175 遮醜 Hide the Shame
#2189 勢不兩立 Roast Ostrich
#2202 身懷六甲 Pregnancy
#2203 燒烤 BBQ
#2209 中國化 Chinese Style
#2218 小天地 Small World
#2243 偷天換月 Switching Days
#2266 汽水 Soda
#2269 蛋眼 Egg Eyes
#2274 實事求是 Expectation vs Reality
#2280 連帶關係 Connected
#2285 混賬之人 Disgraceful
#2291 冷熱相吸 Hot & Cold Fusion
#2301 嚴格教訓 A Harsh Lesson
#2309 急轉直下 Sudden Buzzkill
#2333 我行我素 My Way
#2336 表演拉麵 Noodle Show
#2340 誤會 A Misunderstanding
#2358 防守 Defense
#2360 巨大火雞 Gigantic Turkey
#2370 炸蛋糕 Exploding Cake
#2375 現代都市 Urban Problems
#2380 流體食物(上) Soupy Food
#2394 自助雜餐(上) Buffet
#2399 披薩與拉麵(上) Pizza vs Ramen
#2405 大題大作 Big Effort, Big Masterpiece
#2465 駱駝胃 Camel Stomach
#2501 樂極生悲 Premature Celebration
#2508 過重 Overweight
#283 早點時間 Breakfast Time
#304 本性 Instinctive Habits
#311 新設計 New Design
#322 混賬之人 Jerks
#333 武力解決 Solved with Force
#343 好功夫 Good Kung Fu
#352 願望成真 Dream Come True
#433 苦中作樂 Self-Entertainment
#45 無心之失 Careless Mistake
#476 圖方便 Convenient Opportunity
#521 寄生蟲 Loss of Interest
#55 飢不擇食 How Hungry Can You Get?
#565 作狀 Pretend
#566 能屈能伸 Flexible
#571 女強人 Superwoman
#577 滿溢 Too Full
#583 大失所望 Very Disappointed
#594 無妄之災 Accidents Happen
#603 功夫 Kungfu
#737 無定向風 Aimless Like the Wind
#822 偽善 Hypocrisy
#873 窮追不舍 Persistent Beggar
#939 死亡遊戲 The Game Of Death
#961 心想事成 (上) Dreams Come True (pt. 1)
#962 心想事成 (下) Dreams Come True (pt. 2)