Comics about or with at home
#1094 日落 After Sunset
#1117 奇鳥 Extraordinary Bird
#1224 零亂不堪 Messy
#1251 玉面飛狐 Pretty Flying Fox
#1259 桃花運 Peach Blossom Luck
#1272 坐吃山空 Doing Nothing but Eating Up
#1280 制水 Water Restrictions
#1289 有驚無險 Alarmed but No Danger
#129 危險駕車 Dangerous Driving
#1296 上螺絲 Screw On
#1325 水火無情 Water & Fire have no Feelings
#1327 不再等待 Can't Wait Anymore
#1339 無妄之災 Accidents
#134 摩天大廈 Skyscraper
#1356 曬衫記 Drying the Washing
#1357 一聲春雷 The Sound of Lightning
#138 怪譚 Strange Occurrence
#1435 不學無術 Amateurs
#1440 迎春接福 Welcoming Spring
#1450 舊棉被 Old Quilts
#1455 意外收穫 Unexpected Harvest
#147 臥虎藏龍 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
#1510 接財神 Welcoming the Money God
#1562 怪小孩 (上) Strange Child (pt. 1)
#1563 怪小孩 (下) Strange Child (pt. 2)
#1577 美中不足 Imperfection
#1631 豪門看病 Medical Assessment for the Rich
#1647 四面需顧 Doing Everything
#1665 恐怖手印 Scary Fingerprints
#1683 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#1684 習慣成自然 Natural Habits
#173 清潔運動 Cleaning Exercise
#174 趕盡殺絕 Leave None Alive
#1769 小題大做 Big Fuss Over a Small Problem
#1774 老宅前後 Outside & inside
#1811 表錯情 Wrong Impression
#1840 各掃門前雪 Mind Your Own Door
#1849 死裡逃生 Survived
#1853 無妄之災 Unforseen Trouble
#1856 物歸原主 Restitution
#1862 童心未盡 Child At Heart
#1873 招女婿(上) Taking a Son-in-Law
#1874 招女婿(上) Taking a Son-in-Law
#1891 打蚊記 Mosquito Swatting on the Mind
#1892 難逃大劫 Almost Escaped
#190 小題大做 Very Complicated Solution
#1904 精神大振 Energy Boost
#1914 家賊難防 Difficult to Prevent Thieves
#1929 消極抵抗 Passive Resistance
#1930 驅蚊器 Insect Repellent
#1959 智懲惡婆 Correcting the Evil Woman
#2004 消暑絕招 A Refreshing Method
#2036 偷天換日 Exchange
#205 分道揚鑣 Going Separate Ways
#2209 中國化 Chinese Style
#2332 龍馬精神 Vitality of a Dragon and a Horse
#2335 前功盡棄 Wasted Effort
#2364 恐怖禮物 Scary Gift
#2383 成就過人 Extraordinary Success
#282 目中無人 No Acknowledgement
#308 看過究竟 Observe Closely
#315 禍從天降 Trouble from Above
#334 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#351 借刀殺人 Borrow a Knife to Kill Someone
#373 一入一出 Coming & Going
#388 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#444 喇叭 Speakers
#50 因小失大 All Because of a Little Problem
#507 依依告別 Long Goodbye
#512 進退兩難 Cannot Go Forward, Cannot Go Back
#527 撞正大板 Right On Target
#533 畏高怔 Fear of Heights
#582 日積月纍 Daily Accumulation
#584 褂像 Hanging a Picture
#697 窺秘 Peeking on a Secret
#759 鐵窗生性 Natural Habitat
#800 不夠舒服 Not Comfortable Enough
#834 瞭望 Watch From Afar
#88 空氣污染 Air Pollution
#94 原來如此 So That's Why!
#944 小題大作 So Much For So Llittle
#996 小天地 Mini Island