Comics about or with at the office
#13 中風 Stroke
#1316 巧合 Coincidence
#1375 照睡可也 Can Still Sleep
#1385 反客爲主 The Other Way Round
#1397 及時趕到 Just in Time
#1434 原來如此 So That's Why
#1478 忍無可忍 Can't Take it Anymore
#1487 消極抵抗 A Depressing Resistance
#1501 忍無可忍 Unbearable
#1516 一厰出品 From the Same Factory
#1524 洗耳恭聼 Preparation
#1533 怒髮衝冠 Furious
#1540 突如其來 Unexpcted
#1582 化裝舞會 Costume Party
#1683 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#1779 貪的世界 A Greedy World
#1782 得意忘形 Forgotten manners
#1791 弄巧反拙 Unexpected
#1814 小巫見大巫 Comparison
#1901 發洩 Venting
#1955 理所當然 Of Course, Without Question
#1958 百無一長 Totally Useless
#1962 進退兩難 Dilemma
#2047 送客 Escort
#2071 習慣成自然 Second Nature
#220 耐人尋味 Strange Occurrence
#2206 求之不得 Wishes Granted
#2228 出奇制勝 Winning Move
#231 中風 Stroke
#2321 想題材 Idea Generation
#2332 龍馬精神 Vitality of a Dragon and a Horse
#2357 算盤滑車 Abacus Pulley
#2460 冷縮關係 Cold Shrinkage
#2497 貴人事忙 Busy person of Importance
#255 一物二用 Dual Uses
#278 難得機會 Rare Opportunity
#283 早點時間 Breakfast Time
#300 示威 Threathening
#311 新設計 New Design
#329 幻想英雄 An Imagined Hero
#48 決鬥 Duel
#666 巫婆兼職 Part-time Witch