#1035 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#1062 熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect
#1241 巧製蛋糕 Skillfully Made Cake
#1263 會錯意 Wrong Impression
#1362 技術太差 Horrible Skills
#1493 信不信由你 Believe It or Not
#1640 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#1663 無濟於事 Unhelpful
#1699 清一色 Flush
#173 清潔運動 Cleaning Exercise
#1833 不同凡響 Outstanding
#1841 爭電話 Telephone Fight
#1844 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#1850 習慣成自然 Second Nature
#1851 烏煙瘴氣 Air Pollution
#186 樂極生悲 Can't Have Too Much Fun
#1875 笨司馬光 Sima Guang Was Stupid
#1903 作繭自縛 Cocoon
#1904 精神大振 Energy Boost
#1922 睡不醒 Can't Wake Up
#1957 開玩笑 Joking
#1975 交換 Exchange
#1981 自作自受 Self Inflicted
#1982 局部減肥 Localized Dieting
#1993 愚公移山 Wasted Mountain Moving Effort
#20 一陣風 A Gust of Wind
#2003 安如泰山 Stable Like a Mountain
#2007 弄假成真 False Become Real
#2012 如此事忙 Being Busy
#2019 垃圾蟲 Litterbugs
#2024 愛莫能助 Wants To Help But Can't
#2043 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2049 天降甘霖 Heavenly Rain
#2058 鬥法 Battle of Wits
#2060 烏龍炮手 Old Fashioned Gun
#2064 舞者 Dancer
#2078 思凡 Thinking the Same
#2090 各有千秋 Individual Strengths
#2099 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2104 土遁 Dirt Escape
#2108 去年的事 Last Year's Memories
#2109 大失所望 Big Disappointment
#2114 一腳之禍 The Foot of the Disaster
#2127 自我安慰 Self Comforting
#2129 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2136 樂極生悲 Too Much Fun Brings Trouble
#2143 病入膏肓(上) Laughter is the Best Disease
#2150 樂此不疲 Making Moves For The Throne
#2151 拔河遇劫 Tug-of-War Robbery
#2152 神狗 Smart Dogs
#2158 加重 Added Weight
#2166 留胡子 Growing Beards
#2178 再生貝多芬 Beethoven Reborn
#2184 人小鬼大 Small Person, Giant Ghost
#2192 超齡 Young at Heart
#2193 合時超人 Just In Time for a Superman
#2194 先聲奪人 Maintaining the Advantage
#2195 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2198 震盪 Shake It Up
#2212 百花齊放 Bloom Away
#2220 老爺車 Classic Car
#2232 知易行難 Easier Said Than Done
#2233 不學無術 Incompetence
#2239 笨蛋 Dummy
#2240 跳繩跳樓 Jump Rope, Skip Floors
#2242 一瀉千里 Blown Away
#225 樂極生悲,真假化妝 Happiness Leads to Trouble
#2250 無中生有 Out of Thin Air
#2252 人工快馬 Manual Horse
#2253 能者多勞 The Strongest Ones Work The Most
#2254 一氣呵成 All At Once
#2259 起死回生 Resurrected
#2261 花樣溜冰(上) Figure Skating
#2267 過欄記 Fence Crossing Lesson
#2271 一物二用 Multi-purpose
#2272 欺人太甚.PSD Excessive Bullying
#2277 錯覺(上) Illusion
#2280 連帶關係 Connected
#2283 繼續表演 The Show Goes On
#2286 打蒼蠅 Swatting Flies
#2288 熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect
#2292 立體聲 Stereo
#2295 另有用意 Another Purpose
#2298 錯吸醉血 Intoxicated Blood
#2300 霸車位 Occupied
#2303 力求進步 Achieving Progress
#2305 耐人尋味 Food for Thought
#2311 反彈力 Recoil
#2319 不知所云 Gibberish
#2324 窮開心 Poor Man's Happiness
#2331 車海與荒島 Stranded on an Island in a Sea of Cars
#2335 前功盡棄 Wasted Effort
#2338 不可思議 Unbelievable
#2340 誤會 A Misunderstanding
#2348 吹髮 Hair Blowing
#2359 短小精悍 Short But Full of Vigor
#2360 巨大火雞 Gigantic Turkey
#2363 弄假成真 Fantasy Becomes Reality
#2369 洋鼠拜年 Foreign New Year's Calling
#2370 炸蛋糕 Exploding Cake
#2375 現代都市 Urban Problems
#2380 流體食物(上) Soupy Food
#2382 心寬體胖 Contentment
#2388 特技救火 Specialized Firefighting
#2390 聯合電器 All-in-One Appliance
#2393 登峰造極 Epic Mastery
#2394 自助雜餐(上) Buffet
#2400 太小 Too Small
#2406 寒毛盡戴 A Hair-raising Story
#2408 一錯再錯93 Still Wrong
#2414 打獵 Hunting
#2415 駕駛 Driver
#2416 各有所得 Each Earned It
#2418 老童 Child at Heart
#2422 變形記 Metamorphosis
#2441 大難降臨 Imminent Disaster
#2442 天工神斧 Supernatural Talent
#2444 一錯再錯93 Still Wrong
#2466 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#2468 白費心機 Wasted Effort
#2470 世風日下 The Decline of Public Morality
#2474 參加勞動 Sharing the Labor
#2476 誰是誰非 Who's the Right One?
#2485 陷阱 Trap
#2487 無濟於事 Unhelpful
#2488 連鎖關係 Chain Reaction
#2497 貴人事忙 Busy person of Importance
#2500 打鞦韆 Playing on a Swing
#2503 洗澡 Taking a Bath
#2508 過重 Overweight
#2516 團團轉 Round and Round
#256 出門不吉 Didn't Get Very Far
#3 自不量力 Overestimated Abilities
#411 懶人運動 Lazy Exercise
#419 飛天怪獸 Flying Creature
#491 一高一低 High & Low
#498 修樹 Pruning
#5 如此畫家 Artist With His Own Ways
#548 字母湯 Alphabet Soup
#587 過重 Overweight
#68 顧此失彼 Trade-offs
#808 四方電視 4-Sided TV
#826 游泳驚魂 Strange Occurrence
#992 尋寶記 Treasure Hunt