Comics about or with crime
#114 再接再勵 Persistent
#1269 更恐怖 Even Scarier
#1301 威力驚人 High Authority
#1425 嫦娥下凡,噴射生髮水 Visit of the Moon Fairy
#1471 自以爲是 Thought He was Right
#1594 閙市悶氣 Angry in a Busy City
#1616 耐人尋味 (上) Strange Stories (1)
#1617 耐人尋味 (下) Strange Stories (2)
#1635 違反交通 Breaking Traffic Laws
#1654 無理取鬧 Unreasonable
#1665 恐怖手印 Scary Fingerprints
#1711 神通廣大 Resourceful
#1713 走爲上步 Escape is the Best Solution
#1817 免費理髮 Free Haircut
#1824 真假有別 Training and Reality
#1834 有樣學樣 Copy Cat
#1836 禍從口出 Loose Lips
#1850 習慣成自然 Second Nature
#1853 無妄之災 Unforseen Trouble
#1865 防盜一法 Anti-theft System
#1876 高手(勿用) A Robbery
#1879 魔境 Magic Mirror
#1884 不達情理 Not Unreasonable
#1889 黑吃黑 Thief vs. Thief
#1910 做賊心虛 Guilty Conscience
#1919 所謂保鑣 So-Called Bodyguard
#1926 有口難言 Has Mouth, But Can't Shout
#1939 如此英雄 Such a Hero
#1946 合作 Cooperation
#1953 逃獄驚魂 Frightening Escape Moment
#1954 新法捉匪 New Way to Catch a Thief
#1963 變臉 Change Face
#1970 遠走高飛 Run Far, Fly Away
#1973 交通敗類 Traffic Jerk
#1992 有口難言 Has Mouth, But Can't Speak
#2001 本性難移 Hard to Change Human Nature
#2015 獨享其成 Monopolizing at Their Expense
#202 新武器 New Weapon
#2059 吃裡扒外 At Your Own Expense
#2070 精彩節目 Exciting Events
#2085 樂器武器 Instrument/Weapon
#2188 安全辦法 Security Measures
#2229 偽裝 Camouflage
#2289 神力金鋼 Man of Steel
#2343 雙重收穫 Double Bonus
#2347 及時趕到 Just in Time
#2353 自投羅網 Fall Into A Trap
#2365 特別許可 Special Permission
#2374 友善犯人 A Sociable Felon
#262 動物進化史 Highly Evolved Animal
#273 人有錯手 People Make Mistakes
#287 小恩人 Little Saviour
#293 杯弓蛇影 False Alarm
#299 意外的意外 Trouble & More Trouble
#371 法網難逃 Can't Escape
#373 一入一出 Coming & Going
#375 勿輕舉妄動 Don't Move A Muscle
#388 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#396 一視同仁 Same Treatment
#403 蒙面強盜 Masked Robber
#414 自尋煩惱 Looking for Trouble
#420 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#428 旋風大盜 Speedball Robber
#432 逢凶化吉 Trouble Turns Into Luck
#436 搶劫驚魂 Robbery Scare
#442 笑裏藏刀 The Blade Behind the Smile
#449 對付 Counter Attack
#454 出神入化 Magial Appearance
#460 捉匪記 Catching a Thief
#466 飛彈 Missile
#473 陰魂不散 Followed Around
#480 魔術手法 Magic Hands
#509 鐵頭君 Metal Head
#513 臥虎藏龍 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
#517 打劫一法 A Robbery Strategy
#546 天網恢恢 There's No Escaping
#553 無膽匪類 Cowardly Thief
#559 你講你的 Say What You Want
#570 一場虛驚 False Alarm
#576 真相大白 What Really Happened
#581 午夜驚魂 Midnight Scare
#582 日積月纍 Daily Accumulation
#600 無獨有偶 Not the Only One
#606 污染海水 Polluting the Ocean
#612 隔窗驚魂 Horror the Next Window
#616 保持清潔 Keeping Clean
#620 抱頭鼠竄 Like a Rat
#629 捉賊一法 One Way to Catch A Crook
#656 黑吃黑 Even Worse
#697 窺秘 Peeking on a Secret
#749 安全地帶 A Safe place
#753 重見天日 Seeing Daylight Again
#759 鐵窗生性 Natural Habitat
#770 逃獄 (上) Jailbreak (pt. 1)
#771 逃獄 (下) Jailbreak (pt. 2)
#791 妙想天開 Dreaming
#827 樂觀派 An Optimist
#846 一場虛驚 False Alarm
#849 熱血男兒 Hot Blooded Man
#89 太臭 Too Stinky
#954 狗盜 Dog Thief