Comics about or with fashion
#111 破爛不堪 Unbearable Tattered Clothing
#1135 全副武装 Armed to the Teeth
#115 變色龍 Chameleon
#1236 改造 Transformation
#1243 人妖 Drag Queen
#1246 狂潮 Crazy Trend
#1261 相似 Similar
#1267 麵包裝 Puffy Clothing
#1271 彼此彼此 Same with Each Other
#1273 一視同仁 Same Treatment
#1275 別出心裁 Creative Idea
#1306 真相大白 Truth Revealed
#1365 長髮人魔 Hairy Jerk
#1376 空鞋法 The Shoe Move
#1384 鷹爪功 Eagle's Claw
#1420 全無遠見 Not Looking Ahead
#1432 天方夜譚 Crazy Tales
#1444 無妄之災 Accidents
#1448 打領帶 Tie Tying
#1461 教訓 A Lesson
#1521 改頭換面 Head & Face Change
#1533 怒髮衝冠 Furious
#154 有樣學樣 Copycat
#1552 露背裝 Bareback Clothing
#1557 釣錯魚 Wrong Fish
#1575 新潮髮型 New Hair Design
#1582 化裝舞會 Costume Party
#1584 水底生意 Underwater Trade
#1609 無情無我 No Feelings for Me
#1615 好球 Good Shot
#1625 改行 (上) Changing Profession (1)
#1626 改行 (下) Changing Profession (2)
#1630 假髮 Wig
#1642 高喬 Stilt
#1655 有養學樣 Copycat
#1658 不三不四 Unmatching
#1662 換湯不換藥 Not Getting the Message
#1676 盲從 Following Blindly
#1679 一字之差 The Difference of 1 Character
#1686 不倫不類 Unmatching
#1692 眼花零亂 Saw it Wrong
#1701 意外收獲 Unexpected Gift
#1703 千篇一律 All the Same
#1707 出洋相 Making a Fool of Yourself
#1761 變態 Perverted
#1781 假癡假呆 Phony Denial
#1817 免費理髮 Free Haircut
#1839 頹廢與土匪 Slackers and Bandits
#1855 新髮型 New Hair Style
#1893 超齡 Over Age
#1906 紙製衣服 Paper Clothes
#1923 粉墨登場 On Stage
#2010 物以類聚 Birds of a Feather
#2023 誤會 Mistaken
#2050 新潮舞蹈 New Dance Style
#2166 留胡子 Growing Beards
#2248 精心傑作 Finely Crafted
#226 幫忙 Helping
#2270 奇形怪狀 Freak Show
#2273 有來有往(上) Tit For Tat
#2310 新科學怪人 New Frankenstein
#233 追上時代 Catching Up with the Times
#246 燈籠褲 Latern Pants
#2473 聯合廣告,寫生 Combined Advertising
#251 小丑世界 World of Clowns
#258 爆炸裝 Exploding Style
#266 有樣學樣 Copycat
#268 鬥新潮 Competing on Fashion
#27 狗咬狐皮 Dog Bites the Fox
#285 趕電梯 Catching the Elevator
#292 賠償 Compensation
#303 外強中乾 Rich Outside, Poor Inside
#323 新潮 New Trend
#325 千篇一律 All the Same
#331 明日世界 World of Tomorrow
#341 垃圾一堆 Pile of Garbage
#397 無獨有偶 Coincidence
#41 比美 Beauty Contest
#44 變型 Deformed
#488 改善裝飾 Change of Looks
#496 刹風景 Rain on Her Parade
#497 試西褲 Trying On Trousers
#564 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#579 大傘 Big Umbrella
#585 奇形怪狀 All Shapes & Sizes
#592 惡作劇 Practical Joke
#650 一腳後果 Consequences
#688 橡皮料 Rubber Material
#705 一天四季 One Day, Four Seasons
#709 顛倒程序 Wrong Order
#72 一腳後果 Consequences
#756 互不信任 Mutual Distrust
#799 正合用 Convenient Use
#80 移植 Transplant
#813 衣 Clothing
#83 照作可也 Versatile
#900 過時 Old-Fashioned
#901 過時 Old-Fashioned
#928 時代有年 Times Have Changed
#96 放氣 Deflating