Comics about or with gun
#1797 傷風敗俗 Degradation of Morality
#1831 打獵奇遇 Bizzare Hunting
#1839 頹廢與土匪 Slackers and Bandits
#1849 死裡逃生 Survived
#1876 高手(勿用) A Robbery
#1889 黑吃黑 Thief vs. Thief
#2059 吃裡扒外 At Your Own Expense
#2176 反客為主 The Minion Becomes the Master
#2186 最後一招 Last Resort
#2188 安全辦法 Security Measures
#2236 率由舊章 The Old Fashioned Way
#2454 表情逼真 Realistic Impression
#2464 西部武俠