Comics about or with hunting
#121 刺 Thorn
#1317 捉鹿驚魂 Deer Hunting Horror
#139 技術不高 Not Good Enough
#1406 引狼兔式 Wolftraps
#1427 獵鴨一法 (上) A Duck Hunting Tactic (pt. 1)
#1428 獵鴨一法 (下) A Duck Hunting Tactic (pt. 2)
#1436 香肉 Dog Meat
#1447 別出心裁 New Idea
#1482 萬物之靈 (上) Top of the Animal Kingdom (pt. 1)
#1483 萬物之靈 (下) Top of the Animal Kingdom (pt. 2)
#1532 大白鯊 Great White Shark
#1539 打獵奇遇 Not as Expected
#1557 釣錯魚 Wrong Fish
#1572 弄假成真 True Story
#1578 經驗 Experience
#1593 弄假成真 True Story
#1752 膽小如鼠 Coward
#1831 打獵奇遇 Bizzare Hunting
#1846 龍潭虎穴 Danger Zone
#1967 進退兩難 Dilemma
#2063 標本 Specimens
#2076 螳螂捕蟬 The Praying Mantis Stalks the Cicada
#2122 烏龍獵人 Lone Hunter
#2414 打獵 Hunting
#262 動物進化史 Highly Evolved Animal
#289 泥地打獵 Hunting in the Mud
#309 大收穫 Big Catch
#318 獵錢 Hunting Money
#353 神狗 Super Dog
#419 飛天怪獸 Flying Creature
#444 喇叭 Speakers
#67 原來如此 So That's Why!
#932 天衣無縫 (上) Seamless (pt. 1)
#933 天衣無縫 (下) Seamless (pt. 2)