Comics about or with illness
#1097 真相大白 The Truth
#1135 全副武装 Armed to the Teeth
#1203 真正獸醫 A Real Veterinarian
#1298 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#1370 木乃伊 Mummy
#1409 咎由自取 Got What He Deserved
#1456 肅靜 Keep Quiet
#1457 科學算命 Scientific Fortune Telling
#1489 吸引之物 An Attractive Object
#1495 不可思旅 Same Everywhere
#1522 熱狗腸 Hotdog Sausages
#1525 離奇驗眼 Strange eye-sight test
#1547 單眼科 One-Eyed Specilist
#1550 神經過敏症 Sensitive Nerves
#1552 露背裝 Bareback Clothing
#1559 喇叭手 Trumpeter
#1569 大驚小怪 Over-Reaction
#1574 驗身驚魂 Frightening Health Exam
#1575 新潮髮型 New Hair Design
#1580 絕對準確 Definitely Accurate
#1583 左右分明 Left & Right
#1585 報復 Revenge
#1587 開玩笑 Pranks
#1589 科學怪人 Science Monster
#1591 找刺激 Looking for Excitement
#1599 莫名其妙 Strange Stories
#1604 驗眼驗耳 Eye & Ear Exam
#1622 獸醫 Veterinary
#1624 聽聲醫病 Judging by Sound
#1631 豪門看病 Medical Assessment for the Rich
#1634 妙手淫心 Skilled Hands, Perverse Heart
#1636 神經病 Mental Illness
#1637 人有錯手 Human Error
#1644 怪病怪醫 (上) Strange Illness, Strange Doctors (1)
#1645 怪病怪醫 (下) Strange Illness, Strange Doctors (2)
#1657 安全保險 Safety Precautions
#1672 打開眼界 (上) Eye-Opener (1)
#1673 打開眼界 (下) Eye-Opener (2)
#1677 久病成良醫 Long Illnesses Make Good Doctors
#1773 危險表演 A dangerous performance
#1801 耐人尋味 Unexplainable
#1804 有樣學樣 Copycat
#1808 顧此失彼 Careless Rescue
#181 顧此失彼 Concentrating on One Thing Only
#1859 言之過早 Premature
#1880 物理治療 Physiotherapy
#189 吸血彊屍 Vampire
#1893 超齡 Over Age
#1915 酒鬼 Drunk
#1941 大傷風 A Big Cold
#1980 報復 Revenge
#210 拔河 Tug of War
#2102 招待週到 Full Service
#213 活學活用 Instant use of knowledge
#2143 病入膏肓(上) Laughter is the Best Disease
#2287 過敏症 Extra-Sensitive Condition
#2384 大傷風 Caught a Big Cold
#2396 改變方針 Updated Guidelines
#249 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#299 意外的意外 Trouble & More Trouble
#310 危險玩具 Dangerous Toy
#368 對痛 Hurting Each Other
#374 觸目驚心 Frightening
#379 機械人 Robot
#389 單眼科 One Eye Specialist
#392 怪紀錄 Strange Record
#395 報復 Revenge
#397 無獨有偶 Coincidence
#399 神經錯亂 Tangled Nerves
#404 醫務精神 Professionalism
#407 全無下文 No Explanation
#410 吸血疆屍 Vampire
#412 喇叭手 Trumpeter
#417 妙手回春 Miracle Healing
#425 過敏症 Too Sensitive
#429 開玩笑 Prank
#433 苦中作樂 Self-Entertainment
#437 反應遲鈍 Slow Reaction
#443 對症下葯 Symptom & Treatment
#448 求救訊號 Emergency Signal
#452 防不勝防 Useless Prevention
#456 特技包傷 Special Bandaging
#489 真實感 Real Feelings
#519 非同小可 Serious Injury
#533 畏高怔 Fear of Heights
#534 大傷風 Big Sneeze
#537 禍水紅顏 Women Are Trouble
#561 重手牙醫 Rough Dentist
#598 大傷風 Big Sneeze
#605 安全設施 Safety Device
#628 散晒 Broken Bones
#847 樂不可支 Non-Stop Laughing