Comics about or with kick
#1478 忍無可忍 Can't Take it Anymore
#1800 虛有其表 Not as it seems
#1802 回力 Rebound
#1907 大驚小怪 Much Ado About Nothing
#1942 突來突去 Sudden Payback
#1943 體育精神 Sportsmanship
#1970 遠走高飛 Run Far, Fly Away
#1979 偷襲 Surprise Attack
#1981 自作自受 Self Inflicted
#2093 武裝打手 Armed Legs
#2130 報錯仇 Picked the Wrong Enemy
#2234 意外收獲 Unexpected Gifts
#2237 烏龍踢球 Black Belt Kicker
#2281 打裁判(上) Strike on the Referee
#2287 過敏症 Extra-Sensitive Condition
#2294 小恩人 Little Benefactor
#2296 賣廣告 Self Promotion
#2358 防守 Defense
#899 一時大意 Careless Moment