#1781 假癡假呆 Phony Denial
#1983 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#2038 原則不變 Same Principle
#2040 報復 Revenge
#2119 別出心裁 A Different Approach
#2127 自我安慰 Self Comforting
#2130 報錯仇 Picked the Wrong Enemy
#2211 開香檳 Champagne Opening
#2262 偉大的愛情 The Greatest Love
#2384 大傷風 Caught a Big Cold
#2401 尷尬 Awkward Moment
#2402 意外 An Accident
#2435 幸災樂禍 Schadenfreude
#2439 自找罪受 Self Inflicted
#2505 本地胃口 Local Appetite
#2507 花開花落 Flowers Bloom, Flowers Wilt
#554 尷尬 Awkward Moment