Comics about or with money
#1437 弱肉強食 Prey & Predator
#1779 貪的世界 A Greedy World
#1823 意外收穫 Unexpected Harvest
#1865 防盜一法 Anti-theft System
#1910 做賊心虛 Guilty Conscience
#1919 所謂保鑣 So-Called Bodyguard
#1926 有口難言 Has Mouth, But Can't Shout
#1939 如此英雄 Such a Hero
#1986 三思而後行 Think Twice Before You Leap
#2041 百發百中 Every Shot On Target
#2081 釣美人魚 Mermaid Fishing
#2111 特種享受 Enjoying the Good Life
#2191 為善最樂 Good Deeds Bring Joy
#2314 代表 The Representative
#2372 試情記 A Love Story
#2401 尷尬 Awkward Moment
#2517 一觸即發 Hair Trigger
#2518 人為財死 Dying for Money
#554 尷尬 Awkward Moment