Comics about or with mr. chao
#1362 技術太差 Horrible Skills
#1448 打領帶 Tie Tying
#1537 大難臨頭 Trouble Brewing
#1580 絕對準確 Definitely Accurate
#1699 清一色 Flush
#1828 惡有惡報 What Goes Around Comes Around
#1837 代用品 Substitute
#1844 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#2015 獨享其成 Monopolizing at Their Expense
#2017 萬能機器 Universal Machine
#2036 偷天換日 Exchange
#2039 貪心不足 Greedy
#2045 胸前絕後 Breast Size Champion
#2047 送客 Escort
#2053 不是對手 Bad Match-Up
#2068 是真是假 True or False
#2078 思凡 Thinking the Same
#2092 深水炸彈(上) Deep Sea Explosion
#2102 招待週到 Full Service
#2108 去年的事 Last Year's Memories
#2109 大失所望 Big Disappointment
#2196 奇蹟 Strange Occurrence
#2200 幕後高手 The Master Behind the Scenes
#2206 求之不得 Wishes Granted
#2240 跳繩跳樓 Jump Rope, Skip Floors
#2243 偷天換月 Switching Days
#2251 汽球魚 Inflatable Fish
#2271 一物二用 Multi-purpose
#2290 天線衣架 Antenna Clothesline
#2311 反彈力 Recoil
#2328 怪事 Strange Occurrence
#2335 前功盡棄 Wasted Effort
#2345 精神勝利(上) The Boldest One Wins
#2357 算盤滑車 Abacus Pulley
#2358 防守 Defense
#2375 現代都市 Urban Problems
#2429 愛莫能助 Helpless
#2445 如法泡製 In the same Pattern
#2466 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#2471 反彈力 Recoil Force
#2475 搞錯對象 Mistaken Identity
#2488 連鎖關係 Chain Reaction
#2514 回報 Retaliation
#263 裝燈意外 Light Installation Accident
#278 難得機會 Rare Opportunity
#288 冤家路窄 Enemies Fated to Meet Again
#384 一物二用 One Tool with Two Uses
#808 四方電視 4-Sided TV