Comics about or with mr. chin
#1362 技術太差 Horrible Skills
#1532 大白鯊 Great White Shark
#1615 好球 Good Shot
#1699 清一色 Flush
#173 清潔運動 Cleaning Exercise
#1779 貪的世界 A Greedy World
#1829 費力 Wasted Effort
#1832 新刀片 A New Blade
#1838 剪綵 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
#1841 爭電話 Telephone Fight
#1847 禍從天降 Trouble from Heaven
#1850 習慣成自然 Second Nature
#1851 烏煙瘴氣 Air Pollution
#1855 新髮型 New Hair Style
#186 樂極生悲 Can't Have Too Much Fun
#1876 高手(勿用) A Robbery
#1883 救魚 Save the Fish
#1938 隨應 Echoing
#1952 亂點鴛鴦 Random Pairing
#1976 一樣 Same
#1984 弄假成真 False Becomes Real
#1994 烏龍買碗 Air-headed Bowl Shopping
#2003 安如泰山 Stable Like a Mountain
#2012 如此事忙 Being Busy
#2043 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2049 天降甘霖 Heavenly Rain
#2055 弄巧反拙 Backfired
#2061 談何容易 Easier Said Than Done
#2064 舞者 Dancer
#2082 搶鏡頭 Stealing the Show
#2087 登峰造極 Culmination
#2090 各有千秋 Individual Strengths
#2097 分心 Distracted
#2099 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2109 大失所望 Big Disappointment
#2114 一腳之禍 The Foot of the Disaster
#2127 自我安慰 Self Comforting
#2129 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2135 魔術 All You Need Is Magic
#2136 樂極生悲 Too Much Fun Brings Trouble
#2143 病入膏肓(上) Laughter is the Best Disease
#2144 復活爐 Easter Oven
#2147 畫蛇點睛 Dotting the Eyes
#2148 栩栩如生 Lifelike
#2151 拔河遇劫 Tug-of-War Robbery
#2152 神狗 Smart Dogs
#2155 背道而馳 Opposite Directions
#2158 加重 Added Weight
#2159 互相取巧 An Exchange of Cheap Moves
#2166 留胡子 Growing Beards
#2168 醋海生瘤 Jealousy Ensues
#2173 登峰造極 Grand Finale
#2177 美中不足 Just One Small Problem
#2194 先聲奪人 Maintaining the Advantage
#2195 吳興記舊單行本封面 NHK Cover Art
#2208 意外收穫 Unexpected Harvest
#2216 三隻手 Third Hand
#2220 老爺車 Classic Car
#2233 不學無術 Incompetence
#2252 人工快馬 Manual Horse
#2253 能者多勞 The Strongest Ones Work The Most
#2256 核子雲酒 Nuclear Explosion Cocktail
#2271 一物二用 Multi-purpose
#2282 誰吃誰 Who Eats Whom
#2311 反彈力 Recoil
#2319 不知所云 Gibberish
#2330 鋼筋鐵骨(上) Skeleton of Steel
#2331 車海與荒島 Stranded on an Island in a Sea of Cars
#2335 前功盡棄 Wasted Effort
#2348 吹髮 Hair Blowing
#2355 嚇出頭髮 Scared the Hair Out
#2360 巨大火雞 Gigantic Turkey
#2365 特別許可 Special Permission
#2373 顧上不顧下 Got Above but not Below
#2375 現代都市 Urban Problems
#2382 心寬體胖 Contentment
#2388 特技救火 Specialized Firefighting
#2392 理髮 Haircut
#2394 自助雜餐(上) Buffet
#2416 各有所得 Each Earned It
#2417 喧賓奪主 Upstaged
#2419 不失本能 Instincts
#2430 神經種花 Crazy Florist
#2461 撞鬼 Ghost Encounters
#2465 駱駝胃 Camel Stomach
#2466 一物二用 Dual Purpose
#2470 世風日下 The Decline of Public Morality
#2471 反彈力 Recoil Force
#2474 參加勞動 Sharing the Labor
#2477 三千煩惱絲 Three Thousand Troublesome Threads
#2480 廢物利用 Useful Trash
#2488 連鎖關係 Chain Reaction
#2497 貴人事忙 Busy person of Importance
#2503 洗澡 Taking a Bath
#2513 收效不同 Results May Vary
#3 自不量力 Overestimated Abilities
#491 一高一低 High & Low
#808 四方電視 4-Sided TV
#992 尋寶記 Treasure Hunt