Comics about or with ocean
#1595 養鯨魚(上) Keeping a Whale (pt. 1)
#1596 養鯨魚(上) Keeping a Whale (pt. 1)
#1827 跳馬驚魂 Leapfrog Mishap
#1882 開玩笑 Welcome to Earth
#1894 大失所望 Great Disappointment
#1895 廢話 Useless words
#1917 日光浴 Solarium
#1933 決鬥 Duel
#1969 魔箱 Magic Box
#2040 報復 Revenge
#2073 鬼船 Ghost Ship
#2277 錯覺(上) Illusion
#2389 籠中魚 Caged Fish
#2395 借用 Borrowing
#2400 太小 Too Small
#2441 大難降臨 Imminent Disaster
#2472 破釜沉舟 Fight to the Death