Comics about or with plants
#1015 意外收穫 Unexpected
#1016 意外收穫 Unexpected
#1033 結冰 Frozen
#1037 千瘡百孔 Holes Everywhere
#1038 多才多藝 Good at Everything
#1065 種瓜得瓜 The Planter's Fruit
#1086 不聽指示 Not Following Instructions
#1237 改斜歸正 Going Straight Again
#125 出乎意料 Unexpected
#1255 自命不凡 Know-It-All
#1259 桃花運 Peach Blossom Luck
#1272 坐吃山空 Doing Nothing but Eating Up
#1396 新品种 New Species
#1431 胡説八道 Talkig Nonsense
#1484 大雷雨 Big Thunderstorm
#1517 快刀大俠 Fast-Knife Hero
#1571 猜拳 Paper Scissors Rock
#1577 美中不足 Imperfection
#1636 神經病 Mental Illness
#1667 好大力拉 Big Pull
#1681 節外生枝 Branching Off
#1785 大根 Deeply rooted
#1812 愛的表現 Show of Love
#183 落葉 Falling Leaves
#1847 禍從天降 Trouble from Heaven
#191 怪譚 Strange Occurrence
#192 以牙還牙 Payback
#1920 為嘴傷身 Refreshments for the Mouth
#2048 有利必有害 Having Strength Doesn't Matter
#2212 百花齊放 Bloom Away
#222 誤會 Mistaken
#2241 原來如此 No Wonder
#2322 理想床位 The Perfect Bed
#2346 道高一尺 A Pitch Taller
#2430 神經種花 Crazy Florist
#25 先入爲主 Early Bird Catches the Worm
#328 青出於藍 The Next Generation Gets Better
#337 就地取材 Using Current Resources
#440 人有錯腳 A Missed Kick
#490 並不欣賞 No Appreciation
#498 修樹 Pruning
#555 惡作劇 Practical Joke
#622 向日葵 Sunflower
#690 潮暖生菌 Mushroom Farm
#740 一飛衝頂 Through the Roof
#979 返老還童 Growing Younger
#996 小天地 Mini Island