Comics about or with pranks
#1026 輕重不同 (上) Different Weight (pt. 1)
#1027 輕重不同 (下) Different Weight (pt. 2)
#1039 聰明狗 Smart Dog
#1067 另有用途 For other Purposes
#122 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#1231 加料照片 Add-On's
#1262 夜丰歌聲 Night Music
#1273 一視同仁 Same Treatment
#1377 報復 Revenge
#1389 細膽鬼 A Gutless Vampire
#1429 惡作劇 Trouble Making
#1431 胡説八道 Talkig Nonsense
#1448 打領帶 Tie Tying
#1451 真鬼 A Real Ghost
#1475 意大利餅 Pizza
#1508 裝模作樣 Pretending
#1587 開玩笑 Pranks
#1629 難得機會 A Rare Opportunity
#1634 妙手淫心 Skilled Hands, Perverse Heart
#1654 無理取鬧 Unreasonable
#1661 先見之明 Foresight
#1664 各有千秋 Different Tricks
#1675 惡有惡報 What Goes Around Comes Around
#1680 足時炸彈 Time Bomb
#1684 習慣成自然 Natural Habits
#1702 看鋸 Sawing Skills
#1720 雙胞胎 Twins
#1761 變態 Perverted
#1828 惡有惡報 What Goes Around Comes Around
#1830 無聲的抗議 Silent Protest
#1837 代用品 Substitute
#1840 各掃門前雪 Mind Your Own Door
#1844 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#1856 物歸原主 Restitution
#1877 古代肉腸 Ancient Sausage
#1882 開玩笑 Welcome to Earth
#1885 魔術與石頭 Magic and Stones
#1911 找碴 Looking for Trouble
#1913 自作自受 Deserved
#1919 所謂保鑣 So-Called Bodyguard
#193 有傷風化 Destroying the Scenery
#1935 水塘奇觀 Reservoir Oddities
#1936 無事生非 Much Ado About Nothing
#1951 廢物利用 Use of Waste
#1957 開玩笑 Joking
#1959 智懲惡婆 Correcting the Evil Woman
#1960 跟蹤驚魂 Tracking a Surprise
#1968 烏龍詭計 Clever Trick
#1990 卡位之戰(上) Seat Wars
#1995 遲發 Backfire
#2005 邪道鬥法(上) Battle of Evil Wits
#2007 弄假成真 False Become Real
#2008 心理戰 Paranoia
#201 水戰 Waterfight
#2029 鬥法 Battle of Wits
#2036 偷天換日 Exchange
#2058 鬥法 Battle of Wits
#2092 深水炸彈(上) Deep Sea Explosion
#2094 的確美麗 Beautiful Indeed
#2108 去年的事 Last Year's Memories
#2134 简单解法 Easy Solution
#2143 病入膏肓(上) Laughter is the Best Disease
#217 醉翁之意 Deceiving Intentions
#2187 醉翁之意 Deceiving Intentions
#2196 奇蹟 Strange Occurrence
#2243 偷天換月 Switching Days
#2251 汽球魚 Inflatable Fish
#2279 各有千秋 Each Has His Own Advantage
#2328 怪事 Strange Occurrence
#246 燈籠褲 Latern Pants
#2475 搞錯對象 Mistaken Identity
#2493 水戰 Water Fight
#250 對牛彈琴 Not Getting the Message Across
#2514 回報 Retaliation
#26 假面具 Mask
#261 報復 Revenge
#278 難得機會 Rare Opportunity
#286 透心涼 Cold to the Heart
#31 耐人尋味 Unexpected
#319 大小不分 Age Doesn't Matter
#429 開玩笑 Prank
#433 苦中作樂 Self-Entertainment
#456 特技包傷 Special Bandaging
#492 魔力 Magic Power
#516 兒戲求婚 Childish Marriage Proposal
#52 先見之明 Foresight
#529 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#538 自找麻煩 Looking For Trouble
#550 害人害己 Harming Others & Yourself
#555 惡作劇 Practical Joke
#564 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#568 整人 Practical Joke
#572 煞風景 Destroy the Environment
#580 一場誤會 Not What You Thought
#584 褂像 Hanging a Picture
#592 惡作劇 Practical Joke
#595 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#609 惡有惡報 Got What He Deserved
#66 對嚇 Scaring Each Other
#667 報復 Revenge
#79 小心惡貓 Beware of Cat!
#881 不可救藥 No Medicine Can Save Him
#939 死亡遊戲 The Game Of Death
#956 陷阱 A Trap
#983 玩耍無益 Too Much Fun Not Good For You