Comics about or with scared
#150 杯弓蛇影 Overreactive
#1846 龍潭虎穴 Danger Zone
#1900 幻夢成真 Dreams Coming True
#1967 進退兩難 Dilemma
#2106 怕而愛看 Scared But Loves to Watch
#2176 反客為主 The Minion Becomes the Master
#2181 鬼片世界 Horror Movie Universe
#2246 夜半奇譚 Forewarned
#2247 陰差陽錯 Freak Accident
#2354 鬼打鬼 Ghost vs. Ghost
#2355 嚇出頭髮 Scared the Hair Out
#2406 寒毛盡戴 A Hair-raising Story
#2432 謙讓 Modesty
#2462 化妝舞會 Costume Party
#2486 鏡子效果 Mirrored Effect
#2502 弱肉強食 Survival of the Fittest