Comics about or with stranded
#1010 望梅止渴 Dreaming About Them
#1038 多才多藝 Good at Everything
#1054 氣球小島 (上) Balloon Island (pt. 1)
#1055 氣球小島 (下) Balloon Island (pt. 2)
#1092 隊道 Tunnel
#1208 噴力過猛 Blowing Too Hard
#1221 小島捉賊 Catching a Thief on an Island
#133 狂飲 Drinking Wildly
#1333 並非口渴 Not Thirsty
#1340 怪水侯 (上) Strange Tap (pt. 1)
#1341 怪水侯 (下) Strange Tap (pt. 2)
#1345 危險前途 Dangerous Future
#1351 一舉兩用 Dual Use
#1366 登峰造極 Best of the Best
#1387 陷阱地帶 Traps
#1649 沙漠求魚 Desert Fisherman
#1894 大失所望 Great Disappointment
#1969 魔箱 Magic Box
#1972 交換環境 Exchanging Environments
#2011 球島 Ball Island
#2073 鬼船 Ghost Ship
#2139 舊地重遊 Repeat Business
#2164 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#2177 美中不足 Just One Small Problem
#2204 新小人國(上) New World of Little People
#2231 奴隸 Slave
#2331 車海與荒島 Stranded on an Island in a Sea of Cars
#2452 一時手癢 Idle Hands
#2472 破釜沉舟 Fight to the Death
#32 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#62 神秘島 Mysterious Island
#71 球島 Ball Shaped Island
#811 電視迷 TV Addict
#916 鳥為食亡 Dying for Food
#930 鯨魚島 Whale Island
#947 海陸大戰 (上) Amphibious Warfare (pt. 1)
#948 海陸大戰 (下) Amphibious Warfare (pt. 2)
#961 心想事成 (上) Dreams Come True (pt. 1)
#962 心想事成 (下) Dreams Come True (pt. 2)