Comics about or with tea
#1784 免費茶水 Free Drinks
#1871 代替品 Substitution
#1886 別有用心 Hidden Agenda
#1956 認輸 Acknowledging Defeat
#1990 卡位之戰(上) Seat Wars
#2034 眉目傳情 Ogling
#2314 代表 The Representative
#2344 有口難言 Has Mouth, Can't Shut
#2362 尚未成功 Not Yet Production-Ready
#2369 洋鼠拜年 Foreign New Year's Calling
#2384 大傷風 Caught a Big Cold
#2408 一錯再錯93 Still Wrong
#2444 一錯再錯93 Still Wrong
#476 圖方便 Convenient Opportunity