Comics about or with thief
#1437 弱肉強食 Prey & Predator
#1834 有樣學樣 Copy Cat
#1853 無妄之災 Unforseen Trouble
#1865 防盜一法 Anti-theft System
#1884 不達情理 Not Unreasonable
#1919 所謂保鑣 So-Called Bodyguard
#1939 如此英雄 Such a Hero
#1946 合作 Cooperation
#1949 人非草木 Human Compassion
#1985 白費心機 Wasted Effort
#1992 有口難言 Has Mouth, But Can't Speak
#2001 本性難移 Hard to Change Human Nature
#2024 愛莫能助 Wants To Help But Can't
#2041 百發百中 Every Shot On Target
#2059 吃裡扒外 At Your Own Expense
#2070 精彩節目 Exciting Events
#2085 樂器武器 Instrument/Weapon
#2169 束手無策 Out of Options
#2188 安全辦法 Security Measures
#2255 聖誕老人 Santa Claus
#2289 神力金鋼 Man of Steel
#2294 小恩人 Little Benefactor
#2353 自投羅網 Fall Into A Trap
#2455 絕技捉賊 Thief-catching Stunt
#2462 化妝舞會 Costume Party
#2467 弄巧反拙 Backfired
#544 禍不單行 Trouble Doesn't Come Alone
#89 太臭 Too Stinky