Comics about or with tree
#164 長毛狗 Long Haired Dog
#1835 護巢 Nest Protection
#1920 為嘴傷身 Refreshments for the Mouth
#2022 改變環境 Environment Change
#2028 連中三元 Three in a Row
#2065 別出心裁 Ingenuity
#2126 兩敗俱傷 Nobody Wins
#2177 美中不足 Just One Small Problem
#2208 意外收穫 Unexpected Harvest
#2234 意外收獲 Unexpected Gifts
#2254 一氣呵成 All At Once
#2258 弄巧反拙 Reckless Attempt
#2262 偉大的愛情 The Greatest Love
#2316 真實感 Real Feelings
#2322 理想床位 The Perfect Bed
#2478 平地風波 A Bump In the Plain